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Sunday, February 16, 2025
Home Workout


Is HIIT Classes The Best Way To Get Lean?

HIIT (standing for High Intensity Interval Training) which has gained a lot more popularity these days in which is to workout at your top level of exertion in order to achieve maximum burn in minimum time alongside...

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Malaysia’s first-ever international kettlebell tournament organised by Bungaraya kettlebell Club

An international kettlebell tournament was recently held in Kuala Lumpur by the Bunga Raya Kettlebell Club. More than a hundred people of...

Are You Truly Fit or a Heartbeat Away from Death?

As we step into the new year, one of the most common resolutions is that of losing weight, or kickstarting a healthier...

Pickleball is the fastest growing sports and why you should try it out

One of the sports with the quickest growth in the United States is pickleball, a paddle sport with elements of ping pong,...