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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Virtual Run: The Latest and Future Trend

VIRTUAL run has become one of the most synonymous events taken part by participants widely ever since the lockdown was imposed due to Covid-19 crisis enveloping globally. 

Many of the usual runs and competitive running need to be scrapped due to the unexpected lockdown in view with the Covid-19 pandemic. 

But  it doesn’t mean that runs could not be carried out but with strict standard operating procedures (SOPs). Due to the ‘new norm’ being in practised after lockdowns, there has been a good response to virtual run among the fitness enthusiasts. 

So what is virtual running?

Let us understand in an in-depth manner!

 It is a race that you can complete at your own pace and time. It works the same way as any other runs but it can be tracked at any location. The runners need to register themselves in the certain applications and provide your timing or result as evidence that you have completed it. Virtual run is a great way to stay fit and participate in a new environment. Overall, it is one of the best ways to keep fit and stay active throughout the new surroundings.

There are a few virtual run organisers who organise a lot virtual runs like Justrunlah, Jom Run and Score Virtual Race and many more.

Nevertheless, there are a variety of best free run-tracking apps available to track your run for personal use :

1. Charity Miles

2. Strava

3. Map My Run

4. Runkeeper

5. Running Distance Tracker

6. Endomondo

Anyway, Fitstylz hopes all the fitness enthusiasts can enjoy themselves during this period of time. 💪💪💪

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