Watch out everyone during the current humid and hot weather.
With the temperature soaring up each day, we tend to lose a lot of fluids from our body through our daily exercise and sweating. Therefore, all of us exercising in this period would need to take care own health and body to prevent own self from dehydration.
Firstly, we need to know that exercising in this weather puts extra stress on our body. If we don’t take care when exercising during the heat, we risked ourselves from serious and further complications.
Our exercises can increase our core body temperature and even pushes our body heat to even higher. Therefore, we need to drink plenty of water to prevent ourselves from getting ourselves dehydrated. When we do lots of exercises, we need to replenish ourselves. Or else we risked ourselves with dry skin and dry eyes.
Well, here are what you need to do to protect yourself during the sweltering heat:
- Keep a close watch on the weather especially the current humid and sweltering heat. It can cause heatstroke. If you feel dizzy, faint, or nauseous, cool down and take steps to calm your body. If the weather is too hot, just move your workout to another day
- When you are exercising, always choose an appropriate attire especially during current hot weather. Well, some people might think that clothes are not important when working out, but you will feel comfortable and cooler when you are in the right attire.
- Start slowly and keep your workout a little easier till your body gets adapted to the hot weather conditions.
- Exercising outdoors in extremely hot weather may cause heat illness. That’s why, you can choose to workout indoors or workout early morning before sunrise.
- If your body can’t take the extra heat from the weather, please stop your workout or exercise immediately. There’s nothing wrong of taking a break from workout than causing more harm to your body if you continue working out in the hot weather.