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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Stay Fit Tips during Year of the Rat

WITH the Chinese New Year parties in a few days’ time, there’s surely loads of questions from fitness enthusiasts on how to stay fit during this period of time.

Many are trying their best to stay fit in this Chinese New Year by hitting the gym and treadmill during the celebration. Others would go for outdoor activities such as hiking, running and cycling.

Well, many have been wondering, are there any possibilities to stay fit and firm during this 15-day period. Many especially the Chinese community would take this opportunity to enjoy as much as they can without thinking much on their physique.

But, there’s still way to keep fit during this period.

Stay active

Make it a goal to achieve certain steps. Try to have a brisk walk and stay active. You don’t need to pump iron in gym but a simple workout at home or in public park would make your day. Try to count your steps and sweat it out.

Stay hydrated

Keep yourself hydrated most of the time during Chinese New Year especially during this humid weather. Try to drink as much water as you can to flush out wastes from your body. Try to think of plain water when you are urgently in need of beverage. Remember, water gives you zero calories.

Watch your food

Try to avoid oil foods, although it’s tough but do your best. Instead, eat a healthy snack rich with its fibre, vitamins and protein. The sweet delicacies will only boost up your sugar level if you drink less water. Hence, intake of food is deemed important.

Get enough of quality sleep

At least a person needs to have eight to nine hours of a quality sleep. It doesn’t mean you just close your eyes but your mind are still working. A good quality sleep means you need relax and sleep in a proper manner until tomorrow.

Anyway, would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a prosperous beginning to Year of the Rat. 😆

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